Garmin GPS Receiver 010 00928 02 User Manual

rino 600 series  
owner’s manual  
Table of Contents  
Navigating a Saved Trackꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ17  
Table of Contents  
Getting Started������������������������3  
Manual Conventionsꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ4  
Battery Informationꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ4  
Acquiring Satellite Signalsꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ6  
Registering Your Deviceꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ6  
Turning On the Backlightꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ6  
Locking the Screenꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ7  
Navigation �����������������������������18  
Navigating to a Destinationꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ18  
Compass ꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ19  
Navigating to a Contactꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ21  
Geocaches ꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ21  
Using Sight ‘N Goꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ23  
About the Radioꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ8  
Choosing a Channelꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ8  
Radio Settingsꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ9  
About Contactsꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ10  
About Peer-to-Peer Positioning11  
Using SAME Weather Alertsꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ12  
Radio Page Status Indicatorsꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ13  
Camera and Photos��������������24  
Taking a Photoꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ24  
Viewing Photosꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ24  
Customizing Your Device ����26  
Customizing the Data Fieldsꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ26  
Customizing the Home Screenꢀꢀꢀꢀ26  
Creating a Custom Profile ꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ26  
Customizing Specific Pagesꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ27  
System Settingsꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ28  
Display Settingsꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ29  
Setting the Device Tonesꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ29  
Waypoints and Tracks����������15  
About Sharing Dataꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ16  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Table of Contents  
Map Settingsꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ29 Viewing Device Informationꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ39  
Tracks Settingsꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ30 Specifications ꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ39  
Changing the Units of Measureꢀꢀ31 About the Batteriesꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ40  
Time Settingsꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ31 Caring for the Deviceꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ41  
Position Format Settings ꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ32 Data Managementꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ42  
Heading Settingsꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ32 Additional Mapsꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ45  
Altimeter Settings ꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ33 Optional Accessoriesꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ45  
Geocache Settingsꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ34 Data Field Optionsꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ46  
Routing Settingsꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ34 Troubleshootingꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ51  
Marine Map Settingsꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ35 FCC Licensing Informationꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ53  
Resetting Dataꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ36  
Tools ��������������������������������������37  
Trip Computerꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ37  
Elevation Plotꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ37  
Viewing the Calendar and  
Almanacs ꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ37  
Calculating the Size of an Area ꢀꢀꢀ37  
Setting an Alarmꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ38  
Opening the Stopwatchꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ38  
Device Information��������������39  
Updating the Softwareꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ39  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Getting Started  
Getting Started  
See the Important Safety and Product  
Information guide in the product  
box for product warnings and other  
important information.  
When using your device the first time,  
you should complete the following  
tasks to set up the device and get to  
know the basic features.  
1. Install the batteries (page 4).  
2. Register the device (page 6).  
3. Acquire satellites (page 6).  
4. Set up the radio (page 9).  
5. Mark a waypoint (page 15).  
6. Record a track (page 17).  
Select to send out a call  
toneꢀ If enabled  
(page 11), the call key  
sends your position when  
7. Navigate to a destination (page 18).  
8. Calibrate the compass (page 19).  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Getting Started  
Installing the Lithium-ion  
note: The lithium-ion battery pack  
can be used only with the Rino® 650  
and 655t.  
Hold to turn on or off  
the deviceꢀ Select to  
adjust backlight, volume,  
squelch level, and to lock  
or unlock the screenꢀ  
Hold to talkꢀ PTT stands  
for push-to-talkꢀ  
1. Locate the battery pack  
came in the product box.  
Manual Conventions  
All the pages are found on the home  
screen. Use or  
to scroll through  
the pages. The small arrows (>) used in  
the text indicate that you should select  
a series of items in order, for example,  
“Select Delete > Yes.”  
Battery Information  
The device operates on the included  
lithium-ion battery pack or four AA  
2. Align the metal contacts on the  
battery pack with the metal contacts  
on the back of the device.  
For tips on maximizing battery life and  
other battery information, see page 40.  
3. Gently press the battery pack into  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Getting Started  
4. Turn the D-ring clockwise.  
Charging the Lithium-ion  
Before you use the device the first  
time, charge the battery.  
Charging a fully depleted battery takes  
6 hours. The device will not charge  
when outside the temperature range  
from 32°F to 113°F (from 0°C to  
4. Charge the device completely.  
A fully charged battery can run for  
up to 14 hours before it must be  
1. Plug the AC charger into a standard  
wall outlet.  
Installing aa Batteries  
2. Lift weather cap.  
Instead of the lithium-ion battery pack,  
you can use alkaline, NiMH, or lithium  
batteries. This is especially handy  
when you are on the trail and cannot  
charge the lithium-ion battery pack.  
Use NiMH or lithium batteries for best  
3. Plug the small end of the AC  
charger into the two-pin connector  
1. Turn the D-ring counter-clockwise,  
and remove the cover.  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Getting Started  
2. Lift the latch on the cover to  
separate the battery compartment.  
3. Wait while the device searches for  
3. Insert four AA batteries, observing  
A question mark flashes while the  
device determines your location.  
The GPS bars indicate satellite  
strength. When the bars are green, the  
device has acquired satellite signals.  
Registering Your Device  
Keep the original sales receipt, or a  
photocopy, in a safe place.  
4. Replace the battery cover, and turn  
the D-ring clockwise.  
Turning On the Backlight  
The backlight will turn off after a  
period of inactivity. To change the  
backlight timeout, see page 29.  
5. Update the battery type in the  
system settings (page 40).  
acquiring Satellite  
It may take 30 to 60 seconds to acquire  
Touch the screen.  
Alerts and messages also activate the  
1. Go outdoors to an open area.  
2. Turn on the device.  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Getting Started  
adjusting the Backlight  
The backlight levels vary for the  
different power sources. For example,  
the highest backlight setting while  
running on AA batteries is lower  
than the highest while running on the  
lithium-ion battery. This is to extend  
the AA battery life.  
1. While the device is on, select  
2. Use + and - to adjust the brightness  
Locking the Screen  
note: This action does not lock the  
1. Select  
2. Select Lock Screen.  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Muting the Radio  
1. Select  
The radio page provides the user  
interface for Family Radio Service  
(FRS) and General Mobile Radio  
Service (GMRS) radio operations.  
2. Select Volume.  
Choosing a Channel  
1. Select Radio > Channel.  
2. Use + or - to select a channel.  
about the Radio  
The Rino has a total of 30 channels and Scanning Channels  
121 squelch codes.  
You can scan the channels for voice  
Select Radio > Scan.  
GMRS and FRS  
Setting Up a Scan List  
FRS channelsꢀ  
You can pick which channels and codes  
to scan. Selecting specific channels and  
codes reduces the scan time and helps  
prevent missing a transmission.  
GMRS channelsꢀ  
Repeater channels  
(page 9).  
1. Select  
> Setup Scanlist.  
GMRS frequencies are regulated by the  
FCC. In order to transmit on GMRS  
frequencies, you must obtain a license  
from the FCC (page 53).  
2. Select a channel to add.  
3. Select  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Squelch tone Mode:  
Monitoring for activity  
You can monitor a single channel for  
any activity, including static and weak  
voice signals. This is helpful if a signal  
is going out of range.  
CtCSS—Continuous Tone  
Controlled Squelch System  
allows you to ignore unwanted  
calls from persons using the  
same channel.  
Select Radio > Monitor.  
DCS—Digital-Coded Squelch  
allows you to ignore unwanted  
calls from persons using the  
same channel.  
Radio Settings  
> Setup Radio.  
Send Location—enables you to  
send your current location after  
each transmission (page 11).  
Repeater Channel—enables the  
GMRS repeater channels 15R-22R.  
GMRS repeater channels are  
not available on devices sold in  
Canada. Position reporting is not  
allowed by the FCC on repeater  
Allow Polling—enables polling.  
Polling allows another Rino user to  
get your location by sending a poll  
Power Level—adjusts power level  
on GMRS frequencies.  
Headset type—allows you to  
select the type of headset you are  
using. To purchase accessories, go  
to or contact  
your Garmin dealer.  
Weather Alert—allows you to  
search for weather alerts on the  
current channel or all available  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Vox LevelVoice operated  
transmission controls the sensitivity  
level of any Vox accessory.  
Viewing Contacts on the Map  
1. Select Contacts.  
2. Select a contact.  
3. Select View Map.  
about Contacts  
The first time a signal is received from  
another Rino user, the new contact  
page appears. From that page, you  
can show their location on the map,  
navigate to their location (page 21), or  
add them to your contacts list.  
note: Notes transmit to all users on  
your current channel and code.  
You can send notes to other Rino users  
on your current channel and code. You  
can review previously received notes  
from your contacts. You can edit and  
save favorite notes to quickly send  
them later.  
adding a New Contact  
When a new contact signal is received,  
the new contact page appears.  
Select oK to save the contact.  
Creating a Note  
Editing Contacts  
1. Select Contacts.  
1. Select notes > <Send note> <new  
2. Select a contact.  
3. Select an item.  
2. Write the note.  
The maximum character limit is 13.  
4. Select  
3. Select  
4. Select an option:  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Select Send note to send  
without saving.  
Enabling Peer-to-Peer  
Select Setup > Radio > Send  
Location > on.  
Select Save.  
Select Send and Save.  
Sending a Location  
Sending a Favorite Note  
1. Select notes > <Send note>.  
Before you can send a location, you  
must enable peer-to-peer positioning  
(page 11).  
2. Select a note to send.  
3. Select Send note.  
1. Select Share Wirelessly > Send.  
2. Select Use FRS/GMRS.  
3. Select a category.  
about Peer-to-Peer  
note: Locations may only be sent  
once every 30 seconds, due to FCC  
4. Select an item.  
5. Select Send.  
You can send your location to another  
Rino using peer-to-peer positioning.  
You can also track the movement of  
other Rino users and navigate to their  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Viewing SaME Weather alerts  
on the Map  
When you receive a SAME weather  
alert, a message appears containing the  
alert information. The device shows  
your county map with color-coded  
watches and warnings.  
Using SaME Weather  
note: SAME weather alerts are  
available in the US only on the Rino  
650 and 655t.  
SAME (Specific Area Message  
Encoding) weather alerts allow you to  
receive county weather alerts on your  
Select Weather Map to view the  
weather alert on the map.  
You can scan over a county warning  
on the map and select the information  
button to see more detailed  
1. From the radio page, select  
2. Select a channel.  
note: You can receive SAME  
weather alerts only on the current  
weather channel.  
The weather radio must remain on  
until alerts are received.  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Radio Page Status  
The device is  
receiving a weather  
Activity on  
A signal is being  
received, but does  
not match the current  
Radio Status Description  
Radio --  
Radio feature is offꢀ  
Radio 1/2W Transmit power at  
1/2 wattsꢀ FRS  
Radio Off  
The 2-way radio is  
turned offꢀ  
channels transmit on  
this level onlyꢀ  
Ready to  
transmit of  
FRS channel is  
selected and the  
device can transmitꢀ  
Radio 1W  
Radio 2W  
Radio 5W  
Transmit power at  
1 wattsꢀ  
Transmit power at  
2 wattsꢀ  
Ready to  
transmit on  
GMRS channel is  
selected and the  
device can transmitꢀ  
Transmit power at  
5 wattsꢀ  
The device  
is receiving a  
transmission on the  
selected channelꢀ  
note: If your device battery is too  
low, the power level is decreased  
automatically. The transmit power  
is limited to 2 watts in Canada. The  
maximum output power of the Rino  
610 is 1 Watt.  
Ready to  
The device is set to  
a weather channel  
and waiting to receive  
weather broadcastꢀ  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Status Bar Description  
The radio is onꢀ  
The radio is receivingꢀ  
The radio is transmittingꢀ  
Peer-to-peer is enabled  
and is ready to transmit  
the positionꢀ  
Weather alert is turned  
The radio is muted  
(page 8)ꢀ  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Waypoints and Tracks  
5. Select  
Waypoints and Tracks  
Deleting a Waypoint  
1. Select Waypoint Manager.  
Waypoints are locations you record and  
store in the device.  
2. Select a waypoint.  
3. Select Delete Waypoint.  
Creating a Waypoint  
You can save your current location as  
a waypoint.  
Increasing the accuracy of a  
Waypoint Location  
Waypoint averaging allows you to  
increase the accuracy of a waypoint  
location by collecting multiple samples  
of the waypoint location.  
Select Mark Waypoint.  
Finding a Waypoint  
1. Select Where to? > Waypoints.  
1. Select Waypoint Averaging.  
2. Select a waypoint.  
3. Move to the location.  
4. Select Start.  
2. Select a waypoint.  
Editing a Waypoint  
Before you can edit a waypoint, you  
must create a waypoint.  
5. When the sample confidence status  
1. Select Waypoint Manager.  
2. Select a waypoint.  
bar reaches 100%, select Save.  
For best results, collect four to  
eight samples for the waypoint,  
waiting at least 90 minutes between  
3. Select an item to edit.  
4. Enter the new information.  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Waypoints and Tracks  
Managing Track Log Recording  
1. Select Setup > tracks > track  
about Sharing Data  
Your device can send or receive data  
when connected to another compatible  
device. You can share waypoints,  
geocaches, routes, and tracks.  
2. Select Record, Do not Show or  
Record, Show on Map.  
If you select Record, Show on  
Map, a line on the map indicates  
your track.  
Sending and Receiving Data  
Before you can share data wirelessly  
using ANT+wireless technology, you  
must be within 10 feet (3 m) of the  
compatible Garmin device.  
3. Select Record Method.  
4. Select an option:  
To record tracks at a variable  
rate that creates an optimum  
representation of your tracks,  
select Auto.  
1. Select Share Wirelessly.  
2. Follow the on-screen instructions.  
To record tracks at a specified  
distance, select Distance.  
A track is a recording of your path.  
The track log contains information  
about points along the recorded path,  
including time, location, and elevation  
for each point.  
To record tracks at a specified  
time, select time.  
5. Select Recording Interval.  
6. Select an option to record tracks  
more or less often.  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Waypoints and Tracks  
note: Using the Most often  
interval provides the most track  
detail and fills up the device  
memory quicker.  
Select Save Portion, and select  
a portion.  
Clearing the Current Track  
Select Setup > Reset > Clear  
Current track > Yes.  
Viewing the Current Track  
The track being recorded is called the  
current track.  
Deleting a Track  
1. Select track Manager.  
1. Select track Manager > Current  
2. Select a track.  
3. Select Delete > Yes.  
2. Select an option:  
To show the current track on the Navigating a Saved Track  
map, select View Map.  
You must record and save a track  
before you can navigate using it.  
To show the elevation plot  
for the current track, select  
elevation Plot.  
1. Select track Manager.  
2. Select a saved track.  
3. Select View on Map.  
4. Select Go.  
Saving the Current Track  
1. Select track Manager > Current  
2. Select what you want to save:  
Select Save track.  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
2. Select an item you want to search  
3. Select Use.  
Navigating to a  
You can use the Where To? menu to  
find a destination to navigate to. Not all  
Where To? categories are available in  
all areas and maps.  
4. Navigate using the map (page 19)  
or compass (page 19).  
Starting a TracBack®  
You can navigate back to the beginning  
of a track. This can be helpful when  
finding your way back to camp or the  
trail head.  
1. Select Where to?.  
2. Select an item.  
3. Select Go.  
1. Select track Manager > Current  
track > View Map.  
4. Navigate using the map (page 19)  
or compass (page 19).  
2. Select tracback.  
The map page opens with your  
route marked with a magenta line.  
Searching Near a Location  
You can use the search feature to find  
POIs near a point on the map, your  
current location, or a waypoint. This  
may require additional maps, see  
3. Navigate using the map (page 19)  
or compass (page 19).  
1. Select Where to? >  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Calibrating the Compass  
represents your location on the map.  
As you travel, the moves. When you  
are navigating to a destination, your  
route is marked with a magenta line.  
Calibrate the electronic compass  
outdoors. Do not stand near objects that  
influence magnetic fields, such as cars,  
buildings, or overhead power lines.  
To customize the map settings, see  
page 29. To customize the map  
dashboard and data fields, see page 27.  
You should calibrate the compass after  
moving long distances, experiencing  
temperature changes, or changing the  
Using the Map  
You can use the map to navigate an  
active route.  
1. From the compass page, touch and  
hold the middle of the compass.  
1. Select Map.  
2. Follow the on-screen instructions.  
2. Follow the magenta line to your  
Navigating with the Bearing  
When navigating to a destination,  
the bearing pointer points to your  
destination, regardless of the direction  
you are moving.  
The device has a 3-axis compass. You  
can use a bearing pointer or a course  
pointer to navigate to your destination.  
1. Begin navigation to a destination  
(page 18).  
To customize the compass settings, see  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
2. Select Compass.  
As you drift from the intended course  
to the destination, the course deviation  
3. Turn until points toward the  
top of the compass, and continue  
moving in that direction to the  
(CDI) provides the  
indication of drift (right or left) from  
the course.  
The scale  
between dots on the course deviation  
refers to the distance  
about the Course Pointer  
The course pointer is most useful if you  
are navigating on water or where there  
are no major obstacles in your path.  
Navigating with the Course Pointer  
Before you can navigate with the  
course pointer, you must change the  
pointer setting to Course (CDI)  
(page 32).  
1. Begin navigation to a destination  
(page 18).  
2. Select Compass.  
3. Use the course pointer to navigate  
to the destination (page 20).  
The course pointer  
relationship to a course line  
indicates your  
to the destination. The course line  
to your destination is based on your  
original starting point.  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
5. Follow the on-screen instructions  
Navigating to a Contact  
Before you can navigate to a contact,  
you must save a contact (page 10).  
to find and download geocaches to  
your device.  
Navigating to a Geocache  
1. Select Geocaches.  
1. Select Contacts.  
2. Select a contact.  
2. Select Find a Geocache.  
3. Select a geocache.  
4. Select Go.  
3. Select View Map > Go.  
Geocaching is a type of treasure  
hunting, in which geocachers seek  
hidden treasures using GPS coordinates  
posted on the Internet by those hiding  
the geocache.  
A route is a sequence of waypoints that  
leads you to your final destination.  
Creating a Route  
1. Select Route Planner > Create  
Route > Select First Point.  
Downloading Geocaches  
1. Connect your device to a computer  
(page 43).  
2. Select a category.  
2. Go to  
3. If necessary, create an account.  
4. Sign in.  
3. Select the first point in the route.  
4. Select Use > Select next Point.  
5. Repeat steps 2–4 until the route is  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
A route must contain at least two  
To add an additional point on  
the route, select Insert.  
6. Select  
to save the route.  
The additional point is inserted  
before the point you are editing.  
Editing the Name of a Route  
1. Select Route Planner.  
To remove the point from the  
route, select Remove.  
2. Select a route.  
6. Select  
to save the route.  
3. Select Change name.  
4. Enter the new name.  
Viewing a Route on the Map  
1. Select Route Planner.  
5. Select  
2. Select a route.  
Editing a Route  
1. Select Route Planner.  
3. Select View Map.  
Deleting a Route  
1. Select Route Planner.  
2. Select a route.  
3. Select edit Route.  
4. Select a point.  
2. Select a route.  
3. Select Delete Route.  
5. Select an option:  
To view the point on the map,  
select Review.  
To change the order of the point  
on the route, select Move Down  
or Move Up.  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
4. Use the compass to navigate to the  
Viewing the active Route  
1. While navigating a route, select  
Active Route.  
Starting Navigation to a Man  
Overboard Location  
You can save a man overboard (MOB)  
location, and start navigation back to it.  
2. Select a point in the route to view  
additional details.  
Reversing a Route  
1. Select Route Planner.  
1. Select Man overboard > Start.  
2. Select a route.  
The map page opens with your  
route marked with a magenta line.  
3. Select Reverse Route.  
2. Navigate using the map (page 19)  
or compass (page 19).  
Using Sight ‘N Go  
You can point the device at an object in  
the distance, such as a lighthouse, lock  
in the direction, and then navigate to  
the object.  
Stopping Navigation  
Select Where to? > Stop  
1. From the main menu, select  
Sight ‘n Go.  
2. Point the device at an object.  
3. Select Lock Direction > Set  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Camera and Photos  
Viewing Photos  
Camera and Photos  
You can view photos you have taken  
with the camera (page 24) and photos  
you have transferred to the device  
(page 25).  
You can take photos with the Rino  
655t. When you take a photo, the  
geographic location is automatically  
saved in the photo information. You  
can navigate to the location like a  
waypoint (page 25).  
1. Select Photo Viewer.  
2. Select and to view all the  
Taking a Photo  
1. Select Camera.  
3. Select a photo to see a larger view  
of it.  
2. Turn the device horizontally or  
vertically to change the orientation  
of the photo.  
Sorting Photos  
1. Select Photo Viewer.  
2. Select  
3. If necessary, select + or - to zoom  
in or out.  
3. Select Most Recently, near a  
Location, or on a Specific Date.  
4. Select  
to take a photo.  
Viewing the Location of a  
1. Select Photo Viewer.  
2. Select a photo.  
3. Select  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Camera and Photos  
Deleting a Photo  
1. Select Photo Viewer.  
2. Select a photo.  
3. Select  
> Yes.  
Navigating to a Photo  
1. Select Where to? > Photos.  
2. Select a photo.  
3. Select Go.  
4. Navigate using the map (page 19)  
or compass (page 19).  
Uploading and Downloading  
Before you can upload photos to  
Garmin Connect, you must sign up for  
a myGarmin account.  
1. Go to, and  
log into your myGarmin account.  
2. Connect your device to the  
computer (page 43).  
3. Follow the on-screen directions to  
upload or download photos.  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Customizing Your Device  
3. Select an option:  
Customizing Your  
Select a new position for the  
to delete the icon.  
Customizing the Data  
You can customize the data fields that  
appear on the screen. For data field  
descriptions, see page 46.  
Creating a Custom Profile  
You can customize your settings and  
data fields for a particular activity or  
1. Select a data field to change.  
1. Customize the settings as necessary  
(page 28).  
2. Select a data field data field from  
the list.  
2. Customize the data fields as  
necessary (page 26).  
Customizing the Home  
You can customize the pages as they  
appear on your device home screen.  
3. Select Setup > Profiles.  
4. Select Create new Profile > oK.  
Editing a Profile Name  
1. Select Setup > Profiles.  
1. Select Setup > Main Menu.  
2. Select a profile.  
2. Select an icon you want to edit.  
3. Select edit name.  
4. Enter the new name.  
5. Select  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Customizing Your Device  
Deleting a Profile  
1. Select Setup > Profiles.  
Changing the Data Fields  
Before you can change the map fields,  
you must enable them (page 27).  
2. Select a profile.  
3. Select Delete.  
1. Open the page for which you will  
change the data fields.  
Customizing Specific  
You can customize the data and  
dashboards of the map, compass, trip  
computer, and elevation plot.  
2. Select a data field to customize.  
3. Select a data field type.  
For data field descriptions, see  
about Dashboards  
Each dashboard shows different  
information about your route or your  
Enabling the Map Data Fields  
By default, the map does not show data  
fields. You must enable the data fields  
before you can edit them.  
Customizing Dashboards  
1. Open the page for which you want  
to customize the dashboard.  
1. Select Setup > Map > Data Fields.  
2. Select the number of data fields to  
2. Select an option:  
For the trip computer and  
compass, select  
For the map, select Setup >  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Customizing Your Device  
Garmin Spanner—allows  
you to use the USB port with  
most NMEA 0183-compliant  
mapping programs by creating a  
virtual serial port.  
3. Select a dashboard.  
System Settings  
Select Setup > System.  
GPS—sets the GPS to normal,  
WAAS/eGnoS (Wide Area  
Augmentation System/European  
Geostationary Navigation Overlay  
Service), or Demo Mode (GPS  
off). For information about WAAS,  
Garmin Serial—Garmin  
proprietary format used to  
provide PVT protocol data.  
nMeA In/out—provides  
standard NMEA 0183 output  
and input.  
text out—provides simple  
ASCII text output of location  
and velocity information.  
Language—sets the text language  
on the device.  
RtCM—Radio Technical  
Commission for Maritime  
Services allows the device  
to accept DGPS Differential  
Global Positioning System  
information from a device  
supplying RTCM data in an  
SC-104 format.  
note: Changing the text language  
does not change the language of  
user-entered data or map data, such  
as street names.  
Battery type—allows you to select  
the type of battery you are using.  
Interface—sets the format of the  
serial interface:  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Customizing Your Device  
1. Select Setup > Display > Screen  
Display Settings  
Select Setup > Display.  
2. Follow the on-screen instructions.  
Backlight timeout—adjusts the  
length of time before the backlight  
turns off.  
Setting the Device Tones  
You can customize tones for messages,  
keys, turn warnings, and alarms.  
note: To adjust the backlight  
brightness, see page 7.  
1. Select Setup > tones.  
Background Color—sets the color  
used on the device screen.  
2. Select a tone for each audible type.  
Screen Capture—allows you to  
take screen captures on the device.  
Map Settings  
Select Setup > Map.  
Battery Save—turns the screen  
off after a period of inactivity to  
prolong the battery life.  
orientation—adjusts how the map  
is shown on the page.  
Screen Calibrationpage 29.  
north Up—shows north at the  
top of the page.  
Calibrating the Touchscreen  
The screen does not normally require  
calibration. However, if the screen does  
not seem to be responding properly,  
calibrate the touchscreen.  
track Up—shows your current  
direction of travel toward the  
top of the page.  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Customizing Your Device  
Automotive Mode—shows an  
Shaded Relief—shows detail  
relief on the map (if available)  
or turns off shading.  
automotive perspective with  
next-turn information to use  
while driving.  
Map Information—allows you to  
enable or disable the maps currently  
loaded on the device. To purchase  
additional maps, see page 45.  
Auto Zoom—automatically selects  
the appropriate zoom level for  
optimal use on your map. When  
off is selected, you must zoom in  
or out manually.  
Tracks Settings  
Select Setup > tracks.  
Data Fieldspage 46.  
Advanced Map Setup—sets the  
zoom levels, the text size, and the  
detail level of the map.  
track Log—turns track recording  
on or off.  
Record Method:  
Zoom Levels—selects the zoom  
level for map items.  
Distance—allows you to record  
by entering a specific distance  
text Size—selects the text size  
for map items.  
time—allows you to record by  
entering a specific time.  
Detail—selects the amount  
of detail shown on the map.  
Showing more detail may cause  
the map to redraw more slowly.  
Auto—allows you to record the  
tracks at a variable rate to create  
an optimum representation of  
your tracks.  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Customizing Your Device  
Interval—selects a track log  
recording rate. Recording points  
more frequently creates a more-  
detailed track, but fills the track log  
Time Settings  
Select Setup > time.  
time Format—allows you to  
select a 12-hour or a 24-hour  
display time.  
Auto Archive—selects an  
automatic archive method to  
organize your tracks. Tracks are  
saved and cleared automatically  
based on the user setting.  
time Zone—allows you to select  
the time zone for the device. You  
can select Automatic to set the  
time zone automatically based on  
your GPS position.  
Color—changes the color of the  
track line on the map.  
Changing the Units of  
You can customize units of measure for  
distance and speed, elevation, depth,  
temperature, and pressure.  
1. Select Setup > Units.  
2. Select a measurement type.  
3. Select a unit of measure for the  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Customizing Your Device  
Position Format Settings  
Heading Settings  
You can customize the compass  
note: Do not change the position  
format or the map datum coordinate  
system unless you are using a map or  
chart that specifies a different position  
Select Setup > Heading.  
Display—sets the type of  
directional heading on the compass.  
Select Setup > Position Format.  
north Reference—sets the north  
reference of the compass.  
Position Format—sets the position  
format in which a given location  
reading appears.  
Go to Line/Pointer—allows you  
to select how the course appears.  
Map Datum—sets the coordinate  
system on which the map is  
Bearing (Small or Large)—the  
direction to your destination.  
Course (CDI)—your  
relationship to a course line  
leading to a destination.  
Map Spheroid—shows the  
coordinate system the device is  
using. The default coordinate  
system is WGS 84.  
Compass—switches from an  
electronic compass to a GPS  
compass when you are traveling  
at a higher rate of speed for a set  
period of time (Auto), or turns the  
compass off.  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Customizing Your Device  
Plot type  
altimeter Settings  
elevation changes over a period  
of time.  
Select Setup > Altimeter.  
Auto Calibration—allows the  
altimeter to self-calibrate each time  
you turn the device on.  
elevation changes over a  
Barometer Mode  
Variable elevation—the  
barometer functions while you  
are moving.  
Barometric Pressure—records  
barometric pressure over a  
period of time.  
Fixed elevation—the  
barometer functions while you  
are stationary.  
Ambient Pressure—records  
ambient pressure changes over a  
period of time.  
Pressure trending  
Calibrate Altimeterpage 34.  
Save When Power on—  
records pressure data only when  
the device is turned on. This  
can be useful when you are  
watching for pressure fronts.  
Save Always—records pressure  
data every 15 minutes, even  
when the device is turned off.  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Customizing Your Device  
chirpSearching—turns on or off  
chirp searching. A chirp is a small  
accessory that you can program and  
leave in a geocache.  
Program chirp—programs the  
chirp accessory. See the chirp  
Owners Manual at www.garmin  
Calibrating the Barometric  
You can manually calibrate the  
barometric altimeter if you know  
the correct elevation or the correct  
1. Select Setup > Altimeter.  
2. Select Altimeter Calibration.  
3. Follow the on-screen instructions.  
Routing Settings  
Select Setup > Routing.  
Geocache Settings  
Select Setup > Geocaches.  
Guidance Method—sets the  
calculation and guidance method  
for your routes.  
Geocache List—allows you to  
display the geocache list by names  
or codes.  
off Road—calculates point-to-  
point routes.  
Found Geocaches—allows you  
to edit the number of geocaches  
found. This number automatically  
increases as you log a find.  
on Road For time—calculates  
on-road routes that require  
minimal time to drive.  
on Road For Distance—  
calculates on-road routes that  
are shorter in distance.  
Filter—filters a geocache list for  
certain factors, such as level of  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Customizing Your Device  
Prompted—allows you to  
select a route calculation mode  
before navigating.  
Marine Map Settings  
Select Setup > Marine.  
Marine Chart Mode:  
Calculates Routes for—optimizes  
the routes for the selected  
transportation method.  
nautical—displays various map  
features in different colors so  
that the marine POIs are more  
readable. The nautical chart  
reflects the drawing scheme of  
paper charts.  
Lock on Road—locks the  
position icon, which represents  
your position on the map, onto the  
nearest road.  
Fishing—(requires marine  
maps) displays a detailed view  
of bottom contours and depth  
soundings. Simplifies map  
presentation for optimal use  
while fishing.  
off Road transitions  
Auto—automatically routes you  
to the next point.  
Manual—allows you to select  
the next point on the route.  
Distance—routes you to the  
next point on the route when  
you are within a specified  
distance of your current point.  
Appearance—allows you to set the  
appearance of marine navigation  
aids on the map.  
Marine Alarm Setup  
Avoidance Setup—allows you to  
select the road type you want to  
Anchor Drag Alarm—alarm  
sounds when you exceed a  
specified drift distance while  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Customizing Your Device  
Resetting Data  
You can reset trip data, delete all  
waypoints, clear the current track, or  
restore default values.  
off Course Alarm—alarm  
sounds when you are off course  
by a specified distance.  
Deep Water/Shallow Water—  
alarm sounds when you enter  
water of a specific depth.  
1. Select Setup > Reset.  
2. Select an item to reset.  
Restoring Default Settings  
You can reset all the setup values to the  
original settings.  
Setting up Marine alarms  
1. Select Setup > Marine > Marine  
Alarm Setup.  
Select Setup > Reset > Reset  
Defaults to Factory Settings >  
2. Select an alarm type.  
3. Select on.  
4. Enter a distance.  
5. Select  
For more information on optional  
fitness accessories, see page 45.  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
1. Select an option:  
To view device activity for  
specific days, select Calendar.  
Trip Computer  
To view the sunrise, sunset,  
moonrise, and moonset  
information, select Sun and  
The trip computer displays your current  
speed, average speed, maximum  
speed, trip odometer, and other helpful  
To view the predicted best times  
for hunting and fishing, select,  
Hunt and Fish.  
To customize the trip computer, see  
2. If necessary, use the arrows to view  
a different month.  
Elevation Plot  
By default, the elevation plot displays  
the elevation for an elapsed time. To  
customize the elevation plot, see  
3. Select a day.  
Calculating the Size of an  
1. Select Area Calculation > Start.  
Viewing the Calendar and  
You can view device activity for each  
day, as well as almanac information  
for the sun and moon information and  
hunting and fishing.  
2. Walk around the perimeter of the  
area you want to calculate.  
3. Select Calculate when finished.  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Setting an alarm  
If you are not currently using the  
device, you can set the device to turn  
on at a specific time.  
1. Select Alarm Clock.  
2. Select + and - to set the time.  
3. Select turn Alarm on.  
4. Select an option.  
The alarm sounds at the selected time.  
If the device is off at the alarm time,  
the device turns on and sounds the  
Opening the Stopwatch  
Select Stopwatch.  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Device Information  
Device Information  
Fully gasketed, high  
impact plastic alloy,  
water resistant to IEC  
60529 IPX7  
Updating the Software  
Before you can update the software,  
you must connect the device to your  
computer (page 43).  
Battery type  
Lithium-ion battery  
pack (010-11599-00)  
or Alkaline battery  
pack (010-11600-00),  
which uses four AA  
batteries (alkaline,  
NiMH, or lithium)  
2. Follow the on-screen instructions.  
note: Updating the software does not  
erase any of your data or settings.  
Battery life  
Up to 18 hours,  
typical usage using  
AA batteries  
Up to 14 hours,  
typical usage using  
the lithium-ion battery  
Viewing Device  
You can view the unit ID, software  
version, and license agreement.  
From 32°F to 113°F  
(from 0 to 45°C)  
Select Setup > About.  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Device Information  
Contact your local waste disposal  
department to properly recycle the  
From -4°F to 140°F  
(from -20°C to 60°C)  
about the Batteries  
Maximizing Battery Life  
You can do various things to increase  
the battery life.  
See the Important Safety and Product  
Information guide in the product  
box for product warnings and other  
important information.  
Exit the camera application when  
you are not taking photos.  
Turn the backlight off when not  
The temperature rating for the device  
may exceed the usable range of some  
batteries. Alkaline batteries can rupture  
at high temperatures. Alkaline batteries  
lose a significant amount of their  
capacity as temperature decreases. Use  
lithium batteries when operating the  
device in below-freezing conditions.  
Lower the backlight brightness  
(page 7).  
Decrease the backlight timeout  
(page 29).  
Enable battery save mode  
(page 29).  
Do not use a sharp object to remove  
Selecting the Battery Type  
1. Select Setup > System > Battery  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Device Information  
2. Select Alkaline, Lithium, or  
Rechargeable niMH.  
Cleaning the Screen  
1. Dampen a soft, clean, lint-free cloth  
with water, isopropyl alcohol, or  
eyeglass lens cleaner.  
Long-Term Storage  
When you do not plan to use the  
device for several months, remove the  
batteries. Stored data is not lost when  
batteries are removed.  
2. Wipe the screen with the cloth.  
3. Thoroughly dry the screen.  
Water Immersion  
Caring for the Device  
The device is waterproof to IEC  
Standard 60529 IPX7. It can withstand  
immersion in 1 meter of water for 30  
minutes. Prolonged submersion can  
cause damage to the device. After  
submersion, be certain to wipe dry  
and air dry the device before using or  
Avoid chemical cleaners and solvents  
that can damage plastic components.  
Never use a hard or sharp object to  
operate the touchscreen, or damage  
may result.  
Cleaning the Device  
1. Dampen a clean cloth with a mild  
detergent solution.  
2. Wipe the device with the damp  
3. Thoroughly dry the device.  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Device Information  
Extreme Temperatures  
Installing a microSD Card  
note: The microSD card option is  
available only with the Rino 650 and  
Do not store the device where  
prolonged exposure to extreme  
temperatures can occur, because it can  
cause permanent damage.  
Memory cards can be used for  
additional storage. Also, some maps  
are available preloaded on memory  
cards. Go to for  
more information.  
Data Management  
note: The device is not compatible  
with Windows® 95, 98, Me, or NT. It is  
also not compatible with Mac® OS 10.3  
and earlier.  
1. Turn the D-ring counter-clockwise,  
and remove the battery pack.  
2. Slide the card holder  
the top edge of the device, and  
lift up, as instructed in the battery  
File Types  
The device supports these file types.  
Files from BaseCampor  
GPI custom POI files from the  
Garmin POI Loader  
JPEG photo files  
GPX geocache files  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Device Information  
3. Plug the small end of the USB  
3. Place the microSD card  
in the  
cable into the mini-USB port.  
device with the contacts facing  
Your device and memory card  
(optional) appear as removable  
drives in My Computer on Windows  
computers and as mounted volumes on  
Mac computers.  
4. Close the card holder.  
5. Slide the card holder toward the  
bottom of the device to lock it.  
6. Replace the battery pack, and turn  
the D-ring clockwise.  
Transferring Files to Your  
Before you can transfer files, you must  
connect the device to your computer  
(page 43).  
Connecting the Device to a  
1. Connect the USB cable to a USB  
port on your computer.  
1. Browse your computer for the file.  
2. Select the file.  
2. Pull up the weather cap from the  
mini-USB port  
3. Select edit > Copy.  
4. Open the “Garmin” or memory card  
tIP: You must put photo files in the  
Garmin\JPEG folder. You must put  
geocache files in the Garmin\GPX  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Device Information  
5. Select edit > Paste.  
Deleting Files  
4. Press the Delete key on your  
Disconnecting the USB Cable  
1. Complete an action:  
If you do not know the purpose of  
a file, do not delete it. Your device  
memory contains important system  
files that should not be deleted. Be  
especially cautious of folders entitled  
For Windows computers, click  
the eject icon  
in your system  
For Mac computers, drag the  
volume icon to the Trash  
2. Disconnect the device from your  
Your device memory contains  
important system files and folders that  
should not be deleted.  
Before you can delete files, you must  
connect the device to your computer  
(page 43).  
1. Open the “Garmin” drive or  
2. If necessary, open a folder or  
3. Select the files.  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Before you can use the fitness  
accessory with your device, you  
must install the accessory according  
to the instructions included with the  
additional Maps  
You can use additional maps in the  
device, such as BirdsEye satellite  
imagery, BlueChart® g2, and City  
Navigator® detailed maps. Detailed  
maps may contain additional points of  
interest, such as restaurants or marine  
services. For more information, go to or contact your  
Garmin dealer.  
You can use optional fitness accessories  
including a heart rate monitor or a  
cadence sensor with your device.  
These accessories use ANT+ wireless  
technology to send data to the device.  
Using Optional Fitness  
1. Bring the device within range (3 m)  
of the ANT+ accessory.  
Optional accessories  
Optional accessories, such as mounts,  
preloaded map memory cards, fitness  
accessories, and replacement parts, are  
available at or  
from your Garmin dealer.  
2. Select Setup > Fitness.  
3. Select Heart Rate Monitor or  
Bike Cadence Sensor.  
4. Select Search for new.  
5. Customize your data fields to view  
the heart rate or cadence data  
(page 46).  
Optional Fitness accessories  
note: The fitness option is available  
with only the Rino 650 and 655t.  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Tips for Pairing aNT+ accessories  
with Your Garmin Device  
When paired, your Garmin device  
only receives data from your  
accessory, and you can go near  
other accessories.  
Verify that the ANT+ accessory  
is compatible with your Garmin  
Data Field Options  
Before you pair the ANT+  
accessory with your Garmin device,  
move 10 m away from other ANT+  
Data Field  
Accuracy of  
The margin of  
error for your exact  
locationꢀ For example,  
your GPS location is  
accurate to within +/-  
12 feet (3ꢀ6 m)ꢀ  
Bring the Garmin device within  
range (3 m) of the ANT+ accessory.  
After you pair the first time, your  
Garmin device automatically  
recognizes the ANT+ accessory  
each time it is activated. This  
process occurs automatically when  
you turn on the Garmin device and  
only takes a few seconds when  
the accessories are activated and  
functioning correctly.  
The uncalibrated  
Ascent -  
The average vertical  
distance of ascentꢀ  
Ascent -  
The maximum ascent  
rate in feet/meters per  
Ascent - Total The total elevation  
distance ascendedꢀ  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Data Field  
Data Field  
The calibrated current  
Descent -  
The maximum  
descent rate in feet or  
meters per minuteꢀ  
Battery Level The remaining battery  
Descent - Total The total elevation  
distance descendedꢀ  
The direction from  
your current location  
to a destinationꢀ  
Distance to  
The distance to your  
final destinationꢀ  
Revolutions of the  
crank arm or strides  
per minuteꢀ  
Distance to  
The remaining  
distance to the next  
waypoint on the routeꢀ  
The altitude of your  
current location above  
or below sea levelꢀ  
The direction from  
your starting location  
to a destinationꢀ  
Elevation -  
The highest elevation  
The depth of the  
waterꢀ Requires a  
connection to a NMEA  
0183 depth-capable  
device to acquire data  
(page 28)ꢀ  
Elevation -  
The lowest elevation  
ETA at  
The estimated time  
of day you will reach  
your final destinationꢀ  
Descent -  
The average vertical  
distance of descentꢀ  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Data Field  
Data Field  
ETA at Next  
The estimated time of  
day you will reach the  
next waypoint on the  
Location (lat/ Displays the current  
position in the default  
position format  
regardless of the  
selected settingsꢀ  
Glide Ratio  
The ratio of horizontal  
distance traveled to  
the change in vertical  
Displays the current  
position in the  
selected position  
Glide Ratio to The glide ratio  
required to descend  
Off Course  
A running tally of  
distance traveled for  
all tripsꢀ  
from your current  
position and elevation  
to the destination  
The distance to  
the left or the right  
by which you have  
strayed from the  
GPS Signal  
The strength of the  
GPS signalꢀ  
original path of travelꢀ  
The direction you are  
The data field arrow  
points in the direction  
of the next waypoint  
or turnꢀ  
Heart Rate  
(heart rate  
Your heart rate in  
beats per minute  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Data Field  
Data Field  
The current rate of  
speed at which you  
are moving since last  
Temperature - The temperature of  
the waterꢀ Requires a  
connection to a NMEA  
0183 temperature-  
capable device to  
acquire data  
Speed -  
The maximum speed  
reached since last  
(page 28)ꢀ  
Time of Day  
The current time of  
day based on your  
time settings (format,  
time zone, and  
Speed -  
Moving Avgꢀ  
The average speed  
of the device while  
moving since last  
daylight saving time)ꢀ  
Speed -  
Overall Avgꢀ  
Your average speed  
since last resetꢀ  
Time to  
The estimated time  
needed to reach your  
final destinationꢀ  
The time of sunrise  
based on your GPS  
Time to Next  
To Course  
The estimated time  
needed to reach the  
next waypoint on the  
The time of sunset  
based on your GPS  
The direction in which  
you must move to  
return to the routeꢀ  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
Data Field  
Data Field  
Trip Odometer A running tally of the  
distance traveled  
Vertꢀ Speed to The measurement  
of your rate of  
ascent or descent  
to a predetermined  
since the last resetꢀ  
Trip Time -  
A running tally of time  
since the last resetꢀ  
Vertical Speed Your rate of altitude  
gain or loss over timeꢀ  
Trip Time -  
The time spent not  
moving since the last  
Waypoint at  
The last point on  
a route to your  
Trip Time -  
A running tally of  
distance traveled  
since the last resetꢀ  
Waypoint at  
The next point on  
your routeꢀ  
The angle of  
difference (in  
degrees) between  
the bearing to your  
destination and your  
current courseꢀ L  
means turn leftꢀ R  
means turn rightꢀ  
Velocity Made The speed at which  
you are closing on a  
destination along a  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
My device will not use Channels 1-7 and 15-22 are GMRS channelsꢀ These  
channels above 15ꢀ  
channels are not available on the device unless the  
GMRS radio is activated in the radio setup (page 9)ꢀ  
The screen does not  
respondꢀ How do I  
reset the device?  
1ꢀ Remove the batteriesꢀ  
2ꢀ Reinstall the batteriesꢀ  
NOTE: This does not erase any of your data or settingsꢀ  
I want to reset all the Select Setup > Reset > Restore Defaults to Factory  
customized settings  
back to the factory  
My device does not  
acquire satellite  
1ꢀ Take your device out of parking garages and away  
from tall buildings and treesꢀ  
2ꢀ Turn on the deviceꢀ  
3ꢀ Remain stationary for several minutesꢀ  
My device will not  
Ensure the lithium-ion battery is properly installed  
(page 5)ꢀ  
Ensure the temperature is between 32°F and 113°F  
(from 0 to 45°C)ꢀ  
Turn down the backlight (page 7)ꢀ  
My battery gauge does 1ꢀ Leave the device on until the battery runs outꢀ  
not seem accurateꢀ  
2ꢀ Fully charge the battery without interrupting the  
charge cycleꢀ  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
The batteries do not  
last longꢀ  
To learn how to maximize the battery life, see page 40ꢀ  
How do I know my  
On the device, an image of the device connected to a  
device is in USB mass computer appearsꢀ  
storage mode?  
On your computer, you should see a new removable  
disk drive in My Computer on Windows computers and a  
mounted volume on Mac computersꢀ  
My device is  
You may have loaded a corrupted fileꢀ  
1ꢀ Disconnect the device from your computerꢀ  
2ꢀ Turn off the deviceꢀ  
3ꢀ Hold while you connect the device to your  
connected to the  
computer, but it will not  
go into mass storage  
4ꢀ Continue holding for 30 seconds or until the device  
goes into mass storage modeꢀ  
I cannot see any new If you have several network drives mapped on your  
removable drives in  
my list of drivesꢀ  
computer, Windows may have trouble assigning drive  
letters to your Garmin drivesꢀ See the help file for your  
operating system to learn how to assign drive lettersꢀ  
I need replacement  
Go to http://buyꢀgarminꢀcom, or contact your Garmin  
parts or accessoriesꢀ dealerꢀ  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
File Form 605 online at: http://wireless A filing fee is associated  
with this application.  
FCC Licensing  
The Rino two-way radio operates on  
General Mobile Radio Service(GMRS)  
frequencies regulated by the Federal  
Communications Commission (FCC)  
in the United States. Operation on the  
GMRS frequencies is subject to rules  
as specified in 47 CFR Part 95.  
For information on fees, see the FCC  
fee information web page at:  
For questions concerning the license  
application, contact the FCC at  
In order to transmit on GMRS  
frequencies, you are required to obtain  
a license from the FCC. An individual  
18 years of age or older, who is not a  
representative of a foreign government,  
is eligible to apply for a GMRS license.  
To apply for a GMRS license, you  
need FCC Form 605 (605 Main Form  
and Schedule F) and FCC Form 159.  
Download the application forms from  
the FCC web site at: http://www.fcc  
.gov/Forms/. You can also request  
them through the FCC forms hotline at  
1-800-418-FORM (1-800-418-3676).  
1-888-Call-FCC (1-888-225-5322).  
No license is required to operate on  
GMRS channels in Canada.  
However, GMRS repeater channels are  
not approved for use by the Canadian  
For use in countries outside of the U.S.  
and Canada, please check with that  
government for any restrictions of FRS  
or GMRS use.  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
navigating 19  
settings 32  
backlight 6, 7  
BaseCamp 42  
batteries 28, 39, 47  
about 40  
USB cable 43  
wireless accessories 45  
wirelessly 16  
AA batteries 5  
accessories 45, 52  
fitness 45  
microSD card 45  
acquiring satellite signals  
active route 23  
advanced map setup 30  
charging 5  
information 4  
installing 4  
maximizing life 40  
selecting the type 40  
storage 40  
contacts 10  
accepting 10  
editing 10  
navigating 21  
viewing on map 10  
course pointer 20  
routes 21  
waypoints 15  
warnings 40  
beeps 29  
clock 38  
marine 36  
tones for 29  
call 3  
camera 24  
caring for the device 41  
long-term storage 41  
channels 8  
choosing 8  
monitoring 8  
scanning 8  
weather alerts 12  
data fields 26  
device settings 28–35  
profiles 26  
calibrating 34  
plot type 33  
settings 33  
ANT+ accessories 45  
automotive mode 29  
auto zoom 30  
dashboard 27  
customizing 27  
data fields 26, 27  
options 46  
calibrating 19  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
files 44  
viewing routes 22  
map datum coordinate  
system 32  
marine settings 35–36  
microSD card 45–47  
General Mobile Radio  
Service (GMRS) 8  
geocaches 21, 34  
downloading 21  
navigating 21  
profiles 27  
routes 22  
tracks 17  
waypoints 15  
settings 33  
routes 23  
backlight 6  
GPS signals 6, 46, 48, 51  
system settings 28  
backlight timeout 29  
screen capture 29  
settings 29  
search 18  
to destination 18  
to geocaches 21  
to waypoints 15  
tracks 17  
heading settings 32  
headset 9  
HomePort 42  
software 39  
with bearing pointer 19  
with course pointer 20  
north up 29  
notes 10  
sending a note 10  
profiles 26  
routes 22  
waypoints 15  
elevation plot 17  
language 28  
locking screen 7  
man overboard 23  
map 19  
orientation, map 29  
datum 32  
detail 30  
information 30  
showing tracks 17  
Family Radio Service  
(FRS) 8  
fitness options 45  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
current track 36  
Sight ‘N Go 23  
data 36  
updating 39  
enabling 11  
defaults 36  
trip data 36  
waypoints 36  
version 39  
positioning 11  
sending location 11  
photos 24  
specifications 39  
squelch codes 8  
stopwatch 38  
storing the device 42  
system settings 28  
routes 21–23  
taking 24  
uploading and  
active route 23  
avoidance 35  
creating 21  
deleting 22  
editing 22  
guidance method 34  
navigating 23  
settings 34  
downloading 25  
viewing 24  
position format 32  
power 4  
creating 26  
push-to-talk 4  
text size, maps 30  
alarms 38  
data fields 49  
settings 31  
stopwatch 38  
sunrise and sunset 49  
zone 31  
SAME weather alerts 12  
satellite signals 6, 46,  
channels 8  
icons 13  
tones 29  
system settings 28  
TracBack 18  
scanning 8  
set up 9  
tracks 17  
clearing current 17  
deleting 17  
navigating 17  
status indicators 13  
recording 16, 30  
registering your device 6  
setting up 8  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
recording 16, 30  
saving 17  
zoom 30  
setup 30  
viewing 17  
track up 29  
transferring files 43  
using USB 43  
wirelessly 16  
trip computer 37  
troubleshooting 51  
unit ID 39  
updating software 39  
USB cable 52  
connecting 43  
disconnecting 44  
averaging 15  
creating 15  
deleting 15  
editing 15  
navigating to 15  
weather alerts 12  
Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual  
For the latest free software updates (excluding map data) throughout the life of  
your Garmin products, visit the Garmin Web site at www�garmin�com�  
© 2011 Garmin Ltdꢀ or its subsidiaries  
Garmin International, Incꢀ  
1200 East 151st Street, Olathe, Kansas 66062, USA  
Garmin (Europe) Ltdꢀ  
Liberty House, Hounsdown Business Park, Southampton, Hampshire, SO40 9LR UK  
Garmin Corporation  
Noꢀ 68, Zhangshu 2nd Road, Xizhi Distꢀ, New Taipei City, 221, Taiwan (RꢀOꢀCꢀ)  
July 2011  
Printed in Taiwan  

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